“But Mom”….The Excuses Kids Make

Happy Mother’s Day to all of the moms out there! You’ve earned an entire day dedicated to your pampering and love. We wish you lots of presents, massages, and hand-drawn pictures from your little ones. They will be your treasures forever. Our kids are sure treasures, but they can also sometimes wear us out with their discussions and logic. Crafting conversations with a somewhat very illogical, yet extremely logical kid might have is exhausting at times. How’s this one for you? All you seasoned and experienced moms, try answering this: “But mom, I get money when my teeth falls out, why would I brush them?” Let’s just give this kid a hand at her brilliant ignorance. She’s brilliant because she has the potential dollar bills under her pillow in laser focus. However, her misguided logic of not brushing is shortsighted. Sadly, children fail to be able to catch a long-term vision for their dental health.Due to the fact that until your child matures and can comprehend long-term goals, they will need to be guided in their daily habits of brushing and flossing. Make sure you’re using positive reinforcements to encourage brushing at least twice a day. Ensure that they know how to properly floss. Celebrate with them when they’ve used an entire container of floss. Let them choose the floss flavor. Kids love competition as well. Have your kiddos compete toward dental care goals that your family sets.At Sweetpea Smiles, we want to congratulate all moms on a job well done. Keep up the great work in encouraging your child toward total dental health. Call and book your appointment with us today.Posted on behalf of Sweetpea SmilesFollow us Google+Find Us on FacebookFollow Us on Twitter