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Xylitol: A Safe Alternative to Sugar?

Xylitol: A Safe Alternative to Sugar?
Sweetpea Smiles - Sugar Land
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BY Sweetpea Smiles - Sugar Land

Our Sugar Land dental practice for children is often asked about the benefits of Xylitol as a sugar substitute. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry has actually recognized Xylitol for its ability to prevent cavities and deliver the solution to a sweet tooth craving. Our Sugar Land dentist in Sugar Land, Texas compiled this list of top questions asked about Xylitol.

What is Xylitol?

While Xylitol may look and taste like regular sugar, this naturally occurring sugar substitute is extracted from corncobs and trees. Studies show that the effects of Xylitol in animals was nearly nonexistent, and that the substitute has ⅓ of the calories of regular sugar. As a pediatric dentist in Sugar Land, Texas we highly recommend Xylitol for its ability to prevent cavities and reduce the formation of plaque.

How is Xylitol Used?

Xylitol performs best when used in small amounts, and is often found in chewing gum, mints and candy. These items should be consumed after a meal so that the mouth is cleansed from bacteria. Our Sugar Land dental practice for children recommend using Xylitol five times a day:

  • Use Xylitol toothpaste or mouthwash when you brush in the mornings
  • Chew Xylitol gum, mints or candy after breakfast, lunch and dinner
  • Use Xylitol toothpaste or mouthwash again before bed

What are the Health Benefits of Xylitol?

Xylitol helps prevent tooth decay, and although it is considered a carbohydrate, Xylitol is slowly absorbed from the digestive tract and does not cause glucose levels to spike. Because of its low caloric value, Xylitol is considered a healthy addition to low carb diets. Xylitol is also the sweetener of choice for diabetics.Studies have shows that 40% of ear infections are prevented by taking 8 grams of Xylitol orally each day.

Can Xylitol Replace Daily Brushing and Flossing?

Taking care of your smile involves adding Xylitol to your daily oral health routine. Xylitol is meant to supplement brushing and flossing and 6-10 grams per day will make a huge difference.For more information on the benefits of Xylitol for your child’s smile, visit your pediatric dentist in Sugar Land, Texas today!

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